Friday, December 16, 2005

Lonely Words

So, after two weeks, the charge finally came through for the Spamalot/Broadway Cares photo op.
I had told Gi that it wasn't showing up on my statement... her response? "Free pictures!"
I don't know why, but that really ticked me off. I'm not some hyper-super-ego afflicted moral zombie, but it just struck me as so self-serving. I know she's not like that, and it was probably a joke, but lately I feel so divorced from the world. I don't understand why people do the things they do and say the things they say, why people aren't kind just to be kind-- not for some reward either in this life or the next, but just to be kind. It usually takes as much time and energy. We know what it is like to hurt. Why do that (even if by inaction) to others?
I feel so alone sometimes.


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