News from (Under) the Rock

- The OC
- Survivor
- Dancing with the Stars
- The "L" Word
- The Sopranos
- Queer as Folk
- Curb Your Enthusiasm
- Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
- Desperate Housewives
- Dark Shadows (shout out to cult TV)
"Must-see TV" that I saw, but I just don't get it:
- American Idol
- Fear Factor
- Wife Swap
- Trading Spouses
- America's Biggest Loser
- The Surreal Life
Perhaps I'm just too much of a geek. The last programs I watched were History's Mysteries on the History channel and A Haunting on Discovery. The only programs I actually try to take time to watch are Ghost Whisperer and House (but I still like Hugh Laurie better as Bertie Wooster, or in Blackadder). I can't watch Bones any more because I don't return from school in time. Alas.
Too clever? Too dumb?
I know, Shri, before you say it: too weird.
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