What Is Composition?

While I was at C&W, I was simply awed by the "Coming Attractions" @get info. I've been searching the net to find if anyone had posted their contributions. I've found a few. There's the humor and invention that I would expect, but I was more struck by the ways in which the 'definition' of composition/ computers and writing has evolved. Sadly, I don't think this would go over very well where I am, as "standard innovation" is having students blog and/or create websites as part of their coursework. I really need to work on the concepts behind my C&W presentation, which had to do with access to learning for instructors--especially adjuncts-- so that we can better guide our students and their many learning styles to developing their literacies.
- @Get Info site
- Daniel Anderson's "Mission Improbable" & "The Bus Stops Beyond Language" <--this is the full presentation)
- Samantha Blackmon's "Night Elves, Negroes, and New Media Studies"
Thanks for the link-- I appreciate your sending it and hope to look at it closely when we stop losing #$()*@#)$ electricity (talk about access issues!).
I tried out M$ MovieMaker for my C&W presentation, and it may be a good starter for those familiar with the M$ interface. Did you find issues with file sizes/ access for students? A number of my students are commuters who still use dialup; some have 'hand-me-down' systems without USB ports for a jump drive.
There are a lot of issues around MM production in FYC, not the least of which is access to resources-- time to learn and practice, access to instruction, and respect for the pedagogies for using MM production in the writing classroom. I had thought a lot of that was primarily an adjunct 'thing'-- the time crunch. I spend time (that I probably should spend writing articles and gaining 'capital' in academia) researching and trying out, hacking and goofing around with different technologies. Few actually end up in my syllabus.
Talking to FT fac tells me that it's not just an adjunct issue. Time spent on what has to be these self-directed tech research is not as well-respected as snuggling up to MS Dusty 292 or the like, publishing an article in the The Incredibly Obscure Journal of Dyspeptic Literature, or surveying the effectiveness of ballpoint vs. felt tip pen commentary on student papers.
Ok, I'm sounding more than a little rant-y (and as one who trained in medieval lit., I do love dusty mss), but I feel that the current environment actually discourages exploration and learning, that intellectual and practical questing that makes us develop and become stronger, better, (insert awesome superlative here) teachers.
But again, thanks for the link. Seeing the movie you created for C&W really started this consideration/discussion for me, as I had never even thought of this dimension of text production in a comp class.
Sorry you found me mid-soapbox.
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